Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I was browsing SL blogs that Deviant Kitties had linked to theirs, and I came across the blog of Refuge. Skimming through the posts I came across a new release for guys, a few fitted tees. Now of course it doesn't really matter to me if it's for a guy or not, because these particular pair of tees floored me and I HAD to have them.

Fangtasia/Best in Boots Merlotte's Bar & Grill (Green) Merlotte's Bar & Grill (White)


Fangtasia and Merlotte's Bar & Grill. Now if I can find one that says "I <3 Bill" I'll be set. Maybe I'll make it myself. Harharhar. Thanks Refuge for being totally awesome. :)

Now onto the main part of this blog, my boots. I was originally going to go with these knee-high, black latex stillettos but I was like....uh, no.

The boots I settled on after flicking through my inventory like five times are from Curious Kitties and are called Mekkago. I don't even remember when I bought them, they just kinda were...there...

But hey, they're big, stompy black and awesome.

The 3/4 jeans I'm wearing are from WRONG and include black, ripped and bleach splattered versions.

Fangtasia & Merlotte's shirts - Refuge
3/4 Jeans in Black - WRONG
Boots (Mekkago) - Curious Kitties

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