Thursday, December 17, 2009

Repeat events tonight: Wings and Blue respectively. So I will take this post to talk about a few other things.

I checked out Xplosion and Rebel. I didn't find anything that I liked at either store unfortunately.

Now the other thing I want to banter on about is Touch Life. It's a iPod touch/iPhone application for Second Life. At first I was using Sparkle IM, but it's apparently no longer being worked on, and well, Sparkle IM just did....well, IM. Touch life allows you to TP, IM, Local Chat, and access your inventory. So far of inventory stuff, I read a few notecards, I'm not sure about clothes and primmy stuff yet. I'll have to play with that a little later on. All in all, for $2.99, it's a awesome little application for SL on the go when you can't be near a computer!

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