Monday, December 14, 2009

Gifts are awesome, y'know?

Since the Gallery is having repeat events today (BDSM and Green) I decided to take some time out and blog about a gift I received.

Tithe was scouring XStreetSL and came across ++++BLUE BLOOD++++'s Sublime in pink, and bought it for me. Now, I'm not the biggest fan of pink things. Baby pink and hot pink do enough to drive me up a wall. However, this dress's shade of pink was lovely.

Another note, I love Gothic Lolita fashion, but I would never personally wear it in Real Life considering I'd look like a buffoon and that 95% of the American Gothic Lolitas are stuck up little bitches that think they're better than you because they could afford a $400 dress that they will wear once, maybe twice if the dress is lucky.

The shoes are from Curious Kitties and are the cutest Lolita shoes I've seen so far, eeee!

Sublime (Pink) 001 Sublime (Pink) 002

Outfit: ++++BLUE BLOOD++++ Sublime in Pink
Shoes: Curious Kitties Lolita Shoes in Black with White accents

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