Sunday, January 10, 2010

Your body is--- DAMMIT.

Don't mind me I've had that song stuck in my head for a few days now thanks to the boy. *grumbles something getting him back about it later*

Anyway, this is a Freebs n' Not post, contrary to what the title is!


Reek Suscribo Gift 001 Reek Suscribo Gift 002 *Rotten Defiance* Button Heels

Reek Ohai and DUDE Tees (0L, Suscribo Gift.)
*Rotten Defiance* Button Heels (0L, Dead Dolls of SL Group Notices)


+++BLUE BLOOD +++ Goth Diva

+++BLUE BLOOD+++ Goth Diva (29L, xStreetSL Limited Special)

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