Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sawa - 0 Christmas Lights - 1

I got into a fight with the Christmas lights and the lights w... on Twitpic

I got into a fight with Christmas Lights as you can see. The lights unfortunately, have won. FOR NOW. -shakes fist-

The lights are from Deviant Kitties's Holly Iona hair. The hair itself looked like crap on me:

Um, ew. #secondlife on Twitpic

Yeah, ew. disgusting. Let's not try that again. I do like the red/green streaks since those are some of my favorite colours, I just wish the hair was released in -my- hair color.

Deviant Kitties also has a Christmas tree with some freebies underneath it. Antlers and a few plushies. I'm partial to the Rufus The Red Nosed Reindeer one, I might go pick that one up.

Remember this tweet from last night? sure you do! Well, after 'work' (I'M A STRIPPER, BITCHES.) I ran over and got the outfit, at a pricetag of 570? I think linden. A great price for AWESOME stuff, though. It's not expensive (I almost typed expenisive. Freudian slip there.)

Identity (Female Version) by Gothicatz is just flipping awesome. It's like...three outfits in one, and the pieces can go with just about anything by themselves as well.

The photo at the beginning of this post is the outfit with the jacket excluded. Following is the other two options you can do with it.

Identity vr. 2 on Twitpic Identity vr. 3 on Twitpic

I have more stuff to blog about, but I'm waiting on a photo. Once I get it, I'll start on that post.

Outfit: Gothicatz
Hair: Deviant Kitties

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