Sunday, December 13, 2009

Santa's Kitties

Laluna Ansar asked me if I wanted to be part of a group shot a friend of hers Meeka Savira was doing. Being I didn't have much to do at the time I decided to lend my services. Needless to say I was the non-conformist as well as the maniacal one in a sea of cutesy kittens. I'd be the one that nobody wants.

K & L's Holly Kitty is a cute one, however, it didn't really fit my avatar's demonic Bitches-I-just-broke-out-of-an-Asylum aura. The requirements for the shoot were that outfit and white hair. Everyone had the included candycane stuck in their mouths, I chose to go without it.

Santa Kitties 001 Santa Kitties 002 Santa Kitties 003

The photoshoot was taken by Meeka, I merely just did a re-post to my Flickr. We are waiting for the finished photo with a background. I'll post that one up as I get it.

Crimson Kitty

While I was at K & L I picked up Crimson Kitty, something more up my alley. There was a few other outfits that stuck my fancy, so I created a landmark to return to the store later.

Sap Sap Sap: My Mistah J, not your Mistah J. MINE.

And to throw fuel on my fangirl fire, Wandering Nowhere has this The Dark Knight Joker avatar that is so spastically realistic that I had to Force Ground Sit before I hurt myself. Harley Quinn, eat your heart out.

Holly Kitty & Crimson Kitty: K & L
Hair: Deviant Kitties' Eve in White
Tithe's The Dark Knight Joker avatar: Wandering Nowhere

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