Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Reliving My Childhood

While poking around on XStreet for a Moon tattoo (Yes! Another one! I like the moon.) I came across some Sailor Moon items, which sparked childhood memories. I was 7 at the time that show aired. Oy, time flies. ANYWAY.

Brings me to this,

Moonicorn had Luna's dress out for sale. Luna is Sailor Moon's talking cat if you don't know, and in one of the movies Luna becomes human and wears this pretty dress and just EEEE. I'm not even a fan of yellow, but this dress floors me.

Moonicorn - Luna's Dress

The shoes I'm wearing are from Together, Inc. I got them for 50L in a "bake sale" on the Cupcakes sim. Apparently they do this every Monday, I'll have to remember that. Thanks to Camryn over at the Freebie Telegraph for the info!

Together Inc. - Basic High Heels

And to close out this post. I got chased by a sponge at this shop. No really, I kid you not, this sponge followed me around the store! I have photographic evidence!

WTF?-ery - Chased by Sponge

For the record, if you're going to use a follow script on something, don't make it annoying.

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