Saturday, September 14, 2013

Freebz: 9/14/13

NOTE: These Freebz only last until September 15th, 2013 at 8am SLT

[No Photo Available]

Jigglypuff-themed prim nails

Get them both at Acid Lily Gallery

Virtual Impressions also put out a Magenta Hearts Necklace

Get it at Virtual Impressions by the stairs in-store.

Freebz: 9/13/13

Howdy everyone! Here's some freebies for you today.

Air Dragonfly Glasses

Unfortunately I forget where these last three came from.... d'oh!

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Ahaha. Hi everyone!

It's been a while! I originally promised I'd be back in 2013, and now it's almost over. [Oops!!]

I just recently got back in SL after a whirwind of RL events happening. 

I do have a Lucky Board freebie to share with you today from ++BLUE BLOOD++. It is Vampiresa in red [and also comes in other colors] Apparently, a lot has happened while I was gone because clothes are now using meshes and I have no frickin' clue how they work so excuse the clipping in the screenshot.

Friday, December 21, 2012


Howdy folks!

I apologize for falling off the grid again!

I'll be back in the new year for sure, I've been hoarding freebies and group gifts.

Sadly by the time I get back into blogging a lot of the items won't be available, sorries!

Have a very merry holiday and I'll see you right here in 2013!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Freebs & Not: 4/11/12

So I haven't blogged in over A YEAR. A lot has happened in a year, but let's just keep the 1st Life junk to my 1st Life blog.

I'm back! But of course, not as religiously. I'm huntin' for freebies mostly nowadays, and am surprised to see I'm still in the Staff group for the Gallery. I've lost most of my tags, but they kept me on as a Dancer. -shrug- Interesting, but I don't think I'll see myself going back there. 

ANYWAY! Here's the freebs (and not) I've found since returning:

Hair: *EMO-itons // Luna II [colour-changing headband,  click prim resizable] (link)
Shirt: Bleh / Barn Owl // Pikachu (link)
Pants: Bleh / Barn Owl //  Painted Jeans (link)
Shoes: Purrfect 10 // Salmon Bow Heels [Group Gift] (link)

Monday, January 24, 2011

BDSM Hunt / Fetish Find

Sawa! Where have you been?!? 

I know, I know. I haven't posted since September. A lot of shit had went down. But I'm back now! I won't be extensively active but I will be doing hunts every now and then, I have a few of them starred in my Google Reader to add to my Calendar so I don't forget about 'em. One I just recently finished was the BDSM Hunt/Fetish Find. More photos of gifts & Vendor list after the break, of course I did not get every gift & did not photog everything because I no longer have a place to drop objects, however I can throw on clothes & the like at a store I'm currently calling 'home' since my apartment lease ran out.

My next scheduled hunt is in April, but hopefully something that piques my interest for Feb. & March will come up.

Until then, see you next time!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Kawaii Hunt

Little Glass Wish
Endless Dreams
Creative Insanity
Love Soul
Grim Bros.
Magic Burst
Mixed Nuts
Tir Na Nog
K's + m
Rose Princess
The DollHouse
Fallen Gods Inc.
ADD Andel
Cat Crap
XD Fusion
Concrete Flowers